Varieties of Arabic

The Arabic language is a Semitic language characterized by a wide number of linguistic varieties within its five regional forms. The largest divisions occur between the spoken languages of different regions. The Arabic of North Africa, for example, is often incomprehensible to an Arabic speaker from the Levant or the Gulf Region. Within these broad regions further and considerable geographic distinctions exist, within countries, across country borders, even between cities and villages.

Another major distinction is to be made between the widely diverging colloquial spoken varieties, used for nearly all everyday speaking situations, and the formal standardized language, found mostly in writing or in prepared speech. The regionally prevalent variety is learned as the speaker's native language, while the formal language is subsequently learned in school. The formal language itself varies between its modern iteration (often called Modern Standard Arabic or MSA in English) and the Classical Arabic that serves as its inspiration, though Arabic speakers typically do not make this distinction.

Further substantial differences exist between Bedouin and sedentary speech, the countryside and major cities, ethnicities, religious groups, social classes, men and women, and the young and the old, to list only some. These differences are to some degree bridgeable. Often, Arabic speakers can adjust their speech in a rich variety of ways according to the context and to their intentions - for example, to speak with people from different regions, to demonstrate their level of education or to draw on the authority of the spoken language. This is particularly true at a time of increasing human development and globalization.


Language mixing and change

Arabic is characterized by a wide number of varieties; however, Arabic speakers are often able to manipulate the way they speak based on the circumstances. There can be a number of motivations for changing one's speech: the formality of a situation, the need to communicate with people with different dialects, to get social approval, to differentiate oneself from the listener, when citing a written text, to differentiate between personal and professional or general matters, to clarify a point, and to shift to a new topic, to name but a few.[1]

An important factor in the mixing or changing of Arabic is the concept of a prestige dialect. This refers to the level of respect accorded to a language or dialect within a speech community. The formal Arabic language carries a considerable prestige in most Arabic-speaking communities, depending on the context. This is not the only source of prestige, though.[2] Many studies have shown that for most speakers, there is a prestige variety of vernacular Arabic. In Egypt, for non-Cairenes, the prestige dialect is Cairo Arabic. For Jordanian women from Bedouin or rural background, it may be the urban dialects of the big cities.[3] Moreover, in certain contexts, a dialect relatively different from formal Arabic may carry more prestige than a dialect closer to the formal language - this is the case in Bahrain, for example.[4]

Language mixes and changes in different ways. Arabic speakers often use more than one variety of Arabic within a conversation or even a sentence. This process is referred to as Code-switching. For example, a woman on a TV program could appeal to the authority of the formal language by using elements of it in her speech in order to prevent other speakers from cutting her off. Another process at work is 'leveling', the "elimination of very localised dialectical features in favour of more regionally general ones." This can affect all linguistic levels - semantic, syntactic, phonological, etc...[5] The change can be temporary, as when a group of speakers with substantially different Arabics communicate, or it can be permanent, as often happens when people from the countryside move to the city and adopt the more prestigious urban dialect, possibly over a couple of generations.

This process of accommodation sometimes appeals to the formal language, but often does not. For example, villagers in central Palestine may try to use the dialect of Jerusalem rather than their own when speaking with people with substantially different dialects, particularly since they may have a very weak grasp of the formal language.[6] In another example, groups of educated speakers from different regions will often use dialectical forms that represent a middle ground between their dialects rather than trying to use the formal language. Take, for example, this case of a recorded conversation between educated Arabs from the Gulf, Baghdad, Cairo and Jerusalem. To express the existential 'there is' (as in, 'there is a place where...'), Arabic speakers have access to many different words:

In this case, /fiː/ is most likely to be used as it is not associated with a particular region and is the closest to a dialectical middle ground for this group of speakers. Moreover, given the prevalence of movies and TV shows in Egyptian Arabic, the speakers are all likely to be familiar with it.[7]

Note that sometimes a certain dialect may be associated with backwardness and will therefore not carry 'mainstream prestige' - yet, it will continue to be used as it carries a kind of 'covert prestige' and serves to differentiate one group from another when necessary.

Regional varieties

The greatest variations between kinds of Arabic are those between regional language groups. These can be divided in any number of ways, but the following typology is usually used:

Gulf Arabic
Baharna Arabic
Najdi Arabic
Omani Arabic
Hejazi Arabic
Shihhi Arabic
Dhofari Arabic
Yemeni Arabic
Iraqi Arabic
North Mesopotamian Arabic
Bedawa Arabic
Levantine Arabic
Judeo Arabic
Mediterranean Sea or Cypriot Arabic
Chadic Arabic
Sudanese Arabic
Nubi Arabic
Juba Arabic
Darfuri Arabic
Sa'idi Arabic
Egyptian Arabic
Moroccan Arabic
Tunisian Arabic
Algerian Arabic
Libyan Arabic
Hassaniya Arabic
Saharan Arabic

These large regional groups do not correspond to borders of modern states. In the western parts of the Arab world, varieties are referred to as الدارجة ad-dārija, and in the eastern parts, as العامية al-`āmmiyya. Some of these varieties are mutually unintelligible from other forms of Arabic due to wide distances over time that created divergences in phonologies. Varieties west of Egypt are particularly disparate, with Egyptian Arabic speakers claiming difficulty in understanding North African Arabic speakers, while North African Arabic speakers understanding other Arabic speakers only due to the widespread popularity of Egyptian Standard and to a lesser extent, the Lebanese popular media. One factor in the differentiation of the varieties is the influence from other languages previously spoken in the regions, which have typically provided a significant number of new words, and have sometimes also influenced pronunciation or word order. Examples are Turkish and English in Egypt, French in North Africa and Syria, and English and Hebrew in Israel. However, a much more significant factor for all five dialect groups is, as Latin among Romance languages, retention (or change of meaning) of the classical language form of Fus'ha Arabic used in the Qu'ran.

Examples of major regional differences

The following example will illustrate similarities and differences between the literal, standardized language, and certain major urban dialects:

True pronunciations differ; transliterations used approach an approximate demonstration. Also, Literary Arabic pronunciation differs regionally.

Variety I love reading a lot When I went to the library I only found this old book I wanted to read a book about the history of women in France.
Literary Arabic ʾanā ʾuḥibbu l-qirāʾahta kaṯīran ʿindamā ḏahabtu ʾila l-maktabati lam ʾaǧid siwā hāḏā l-kitābi l-qadīm wa kuntu ʾurīdu an ʾaqraʾa kitāban ʿan tārīḫi l-marʾah fī-farānsā
Saudi ana aħob il-grāya kθīr lamma roħt l-mekteba ma lgēt ɣēr haða l-ktāb il-gedīm wa kont abɣa agra ktāb ʕan tarīx il-ħarīm fi fransa[9]
Tunisian ēne nħibb il-qrēye barʃa waqtelli mʃīt l il-maktba ma-lqīt-ʃ kēn ha l-ktēb l-qdīm u kunt nħibb naqra ktēb ʕala tērīx l-mra fi frānsa
Egyptian ana baħebb el-ʔerāya ʔawi lamma roħt el-maktaba ma-lʔet-ʃ ella l-ketāb el-ʔadīm da w-ana kont ʕāyez aʔra ketāb ʕan tarīx el-settāt fe faransa
Lebanese ana bħibb il-ʔirēye ktīr lamma reħit il-maktebe ma lʔēt illa hal-i-ktēb li-ʔdīm wi kēn beddi ʔeʔra ktēb ʕan tērīx l-mara b-frēnse
Iraqi āni aħibb el-qrāya kulliʃ lamman reħit lel-maktaba ma ligēt ɣēr hāða l-ketāb al-qadīm redet aqra ketāb ʕan tarīx al-ħarim eb-fransa
Kuwaiti ʔāna wāyed aħibb agrā lamman reħt al-maktaba ma ligēt illa hal ketāb al-gadīm kent abī agra ketāb an tarīx el-ħarīm eb fransa

For the sake of comparison, consider the same sentence in German and Dutch:

  1. German: Ich lese sehr gerne. Als ich in zur Bibliothek ging, fand ich nur dieses alte Buch, obwohl ich ein Buch über die Geschichte der Frau in Frankreich hatte lesen wollen.
  2. Dutch: Ik lees zeer graag. Toen ik naar de bibliotheek ging, vond ik slechts dit oude boek, hoewel ik een boek over de geschiedenis van de vrouw in Frankrijk had willen lezen.

Some linguists do argue that the varieties of Arabic are different enough to qualify as separate languages in the way that French and Italian or German and Dutch do. However, as Reem Bassiouney points out, perhaps the difference between 'language' and 'variety' is to some degree political rather than linguistic.[10]

Other regional differences

"Peripheral" varieties of Arabic located in countries where Arabic is not a dominant language (e.g., Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, Chad, and Nigeria) are particularly divergent in some respects, especially vocabulary, being less influenced by classical Arabic. However, historically they fall within the same dialect classifications as better-known varieties. Probably the most divergent of non-creole Arabic varieties is Cypriot Maronite Arabic, a nearly extinct variety heavily influenced by Greek.

The Maltese language is a Semitic language descended from Siculo-Arabic whose vocabulary has acquired a large number of loanwords from Sicilian and Standard Italian. Maltese only uses a Latin-based alphabet and is the only Semitic official language within the European Union.

Arabic-based pidgins, with a small, largely Arabic vocabulary that lacks most Arabic morphological features, have been widespread along the southern edge of the Sahara through the present day; the medieval geographer al-Bakri records a text in one (in a place probably corresponding to modern Mauritania) in the 11th century. In some areas, especially around the southern Sudan, these have creolized; see the list below.

Dialects vary within regions as well, on a smaller level. For example, within Syria, the Arabic of the city of Homs is recognized as different from that of the capital, Damascus, though both can be considered 'Levantine' Arabic. In Morocco, the Arabic of the city of Fes is considered different from Arabic spoken elsewhere in the country.

Formal vs. vernacular speech

Another major difference between varieties of Arabic is that between the standardized formal language, primarily found in writing, media or in prepared speech, and the vernacular, spoken dialects, used for most situations. The formal language is referred to as اللغة الفصحى al-lugha al-fuṣḥā, and itself diverges between its modern iteration (often called Modern Standard Arabic or MSA in English), used in writing, media or in prepared speech, and the Classical Arabic that serves as its inspiration. The latter is the language of the Qur'an and is rarely used except in reciting the Qur'an, or quoting older classical texts.[11] Arabic speakers typically do not make this distinction. The development of Modern Standard Arabic dates to the beginning of the 19th century, and was the result of a laborious process of modernizing the Classical language.

Colloquial and formal Arabic certainly do overlap; as a matter of fact it is very difficult to find a situation where one type is used exclusively. For example, MSA is used in formal speeches or interviews. However, just as soon as the speaker diverts away from his well-prepared speech in order to add a comment or respond to a question, the rate of colloquial usage in this speech increases dramatically. How much MSA versus colloquial is used depends on the speaker, the topic, and the situation - amongst other factors. At the other end of the spectrum, public education, as well as exposure to mass media, has introduced MSA elements amongst the least educated so it would be equally difficult to find an Arabic speaker whose speech is totally unaffected by MSA.[12] This linguistic situation in general is sometimes referred to as diglossia.

The notable Egyptian linguist, Al-Said Badawi, made the following distinctions in 'levels of speech' regarding the mixing of vernacular and formal Arabic in Egypt:

Almost everyone in Egypt has access to more than one speech register, and people often switch between them, sometimes within the same sentence. This scheme generally corresponds to the linguistic situations in other Arabic-speaking countries as well.[13]

The spoken varieties of Arabic have occasionally been written, usually in the Arabic alphabet. Vernacular Arabic was first recognized as a written language contrasting with Classical Arabic in 17th century Ottoman Egypt, as the Cairo elite began to trend towards colloquial writing. A record of the Cairo vernacular of the time is found in the dictionary compiled by Yusuf al-Maghribi. More recently, many plays and poems, as well as a few other works (even translations of Plato) exist in Lebanese Arabic and Egyptian Arabic; books of poetry, at least, exist for most varieties. In Algeria, colloquial Maghrebi Arabic was taught as a separate subject under French colonization, and some textbooks exist. Mizrahi Jews throughout the Arab world who spoke Judeo-Arabic dialects rendered newspapers, letters, accounts, stories, and translations of some parts of their liturgy in the Hebrew alphabet, adding diacritics and other conventions for letters that exist in Judeo-Arabic but not Hebrew. The Latin alphabet was advocated for Lebanese Arabic by Said Aql, whose supporters published several books in his transcription. Later, in 1994, Abdelaziz Pasha Fahmi, a member of the Academy of the Arabic Language in Egypt proposed the replacement of the Arabic alphabet with the Latin alphabet. His proposal was discussed in two sessions in the communion but was rejected, and was faced with strong opposition in cultural circles.

Sociolinguistic variables

Sociolinguistics is the study of how language usage is affected by societal factors, e.g., cultural norms and contexts (see also Pragmatics). The following sections examine some of the ways that modern Arab societies have an impact on how Arabic is spoken.


The modern state


The religion of an Arabic speaker is sometimes involved in shaping how he speaks Arabic. Of course, as is the case with other variables, religion cannot be seen in isolation. It is generally connected with the political systems in the different countries. It should be noted that unlike is often the case in the West, religion in the Arab world is not usually seen as a individual choice. Rather, it is matter of group affiliation: one is born a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Suni or Shiite, and this becomes a bit like one's ethnicity. Religion as a sociolinguistic variable should be understood in this context.[14]

Bahrain provides an excellent illustration. A major distinction can be made between the Shiite Baharnas, who are the oldest population of Bahrain, and the Sunni population that began to immigrate to Bahrain in the eighteenth century. The Sunni form a minority of the population. The ruling family of Bahrain is Sunni. The colloquial language represented on TV is almost invariably that of the Sunni population. Therefore, power, prestige and financial control are associated with the Sunni Arabs. This is having a major impact on the direction of language change in Bahrain.[15]

The case of Iraq also illustrates how there can be significant differences in how Arabic is spoken on the basis of religion. (Note that the study referred to here was conducted before the American occupation of the country.) In Baghdad, there are significant linguistic differences between Arabic Christian and Muslim inhabitants of the city. The Christians of Baghdad are a well-established community, and their dialect has evolved from the sedentary vernacular of urban medieval Iraq. The typical Muslim dialect of Baghdad is a more recent arrival in the city and comes from Bedouin speech instead. In Baghdad, as elsewhere in the Arab world, the various communities share MSA as a prestige dialect, but the Muslim colloquial dialect is associated with power and money, given that that community is the more dominant. Therefore, the Christian population of the city learns to use the Muslim dialect in more formal situations, for example, when a Christian school teacher is trying to call students in the class to order.[16]

Education and social class

Age and gender


Pre-Islamic varieties

Islamic Golden Age

Modern varieties

Western varieties

Central varieties

Northern varieties

Southern varieties


Sectarian varieties


Country-based varieties

Diglossic variety

Sedentary vs. Nomadic

A basic distinction that cuts across the entire geography of the Arabic-speaking world is between sedentary and nomadic varieties (often misleadingly called Bedouin). Across the Levant and North Africa (i.e. the areas of post-Islamic settlement), this is mostly reflected as an urban (sedentary) vs. rural/nomadic split, but the situation is more complicated in Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula. The distinction stems from the settlement patterns in the wake of the Arab conquests. As regions were conquered, army camps were set up that eventually grew into cities, and settlement of the rural areas by Nomadic Arabs gradually followed thereafter. In some areas, sedentary dialects are divided further into urban and rural variants.

The most obvious phonetic difference between the two groups is the pronunciation of the letter ق qaaf, which is voiced in the Bedouin varieties (usually /ɡ/, but sometimes a palatalized variation /d͡ʒ/ or /ʒ/), but voiceless in the sedentary varieties (/q/ or /ʔ/) (the former realisation being mostly associated with the countryside, the latter being considered typically urban). The other major phonetic difference is that the rural varieties preserve the Classical Arabic (CA) interdentals /θ/ ث and /ð/ ذ, and merge the CA emphatic sounds /dˤ/ ض and /ðˤ/ ظ into /ðˤ/ rather than sedentary /dˤ/.

The most significant differences between rural Arabic and non-rural Arabic are in syntax. The sedentary varieties in particular share a number of common innovations from CA. This has led to the suggestion, first articulated by Charles Ferguson, that a simplified koiné language developed in the army staging camps in Iraq, from whence the remaining parts of the modern Arab world were conquered.

In general the rural varieties are more conservative than the sedentary varieties and the rural varieties within the Arabian peninsula are even more conservative than those elsewhere. Within the sedentary varieties, the western varieties (particularly, Moroccan Arabic) are less conservative than the eastern varieties.

A number of cities in the Arabic world speak a 'Bedouin' variety, which acquires prestige in that context.


Morphology and syntax

All varieties, sedentary and Bedouin, differ in the following ways from Classical Arabic (CA)
All dialects except some Bedouin dialects of the Arabian peninsula share the following innovations from CA
All sedentary dialects share the following additional innovations
The following innovations are characteristic of many or most sedentary dialects
The following innovations are characteristic of Maghrebi Arabic (in North Africa, west of Egypt)
The following innovations are characteristic of Egyptian Arabic


Reflexes of Classical q
Place Reflex qalb baqara waqt qaal qamar qahwa quddaam
"heart" "cow" "time" "said" "moon" "coffee" "in front of"
Uzbeki Arabic (Jugari) q, occ. g qalb baqara waqt, (waḥt) qaal qamar giddaam
Muslim Baghdad Arabic g, occ. j gaḷuḅ (baqar) wagut, (waket) gaal gumar gahwa geddaam, jiddaam
Jewish Baghdadi Arabic q, occ. j qalb qaal qamaɣ jeddaam
Mosul, Iraq q? qalb
Anah, Iraq q, g qaalb (bagra) waqet qaal gahwa
Rural Lower Iraqi Arabic g, occ. j galub bgura, bagra wakit gaal gumar ghawa, gahwa jiddaam
Judeo-Iraqi Arabic, Iraqi Kurdistan q qalb baqaṛa waqt, waxt qaal qamaṛ qahwe qǝddaam
Mardin, Anatolia q qalb baqaṛa waqt, waxt qaal qamaṛ qaḥwe qǝddaam
Sheep nomads, Mesopotamia, NE Arabian Peninsula g, occ. j galb, galub bgara wagt, wakit gaal gumar ghawa jeddaam
Camel nomads, Mesopotamia, NE Arabian Peninsula g, occ. dᶻ galb, galub bgara wagt, wakit gaal gumar ghawa dᶻöddaam
Aleppo, Syria ʾ ʾalb baʾara waʾt ʾaal ʾamar ʾahwe ʾǝddaam
Damascus, Syria ʾ ʾalb baʾara waʾt ʾaal ʾamar ʾahwe ʾǝddaam
Beirut, Lebanon ʾ ʾalb baʾra waʾt ʾaal ʾamar ʾahwe ʾǝddeem
Jordan g gaḷib bagara wagǝt gaal gamar gahwah giddaam
Rural Jordan g galib - gaḷub bagara wagt gaal gamar gahwe - gahweh giddaam
Druze q qalb baqara qaal qamar qahwe
Nazareth, Israel k kalb bakara wakt kaal kamar kahwe kuddaam
Jerusalem (urban Palestinian Arabic) ʾ ʾalb baʾara waʾt ʾaal ʾamar ʾahwe ʾuddaam
Bir Zeit, West Bank k kalb bakara wakt kaal kamar kahwe kuddaam
Sana, Yemen g galb bagara wagt gaal gamar gahweh guddaam
Cairo, Egypt ʾ ʾalb baʾara waʾt ʾaal ʾamar ʾahwa ʾuddaam
Sudan g galib bagara wagt gaal gamra gahwa, gahawa giddaam
Ouadai, Chad g, occ. q beger waqt gaal gamra gahwa
Benghazi, E. Libya g gaḷǝb ǝbgǝ́ṛa wagǝt gaaḷ gǝmaṛ gahawa giddaam
Tunis, Tunisia q, occ. g qalb (bagra) waqt quddaam
El Hamma de Gabes, Tunisia g galab gal
Marazig, Tunisia g, occ. q galab gal gahwa, qahwa geddaam
Jewish Algiers (Judeo-Arabic) ʾ ʾǝlb wǝʾt ʾǝmr ʾǝddam
Bou Saada, Algeria g bigar gimar
Jijel Arabic (Algeria) q qǝlb wǝqt qmǝr qǝddam
Casablanca, Morocco q, occ. g qǝlb bqʌr, bgʌr wʌqt qǝmr qoddam
North Taza, Morocco q or g? waqt, (wax) gǝmra
Maltese ʾ Maltese language
uses q for [ʔ]
qalp waqt qaal qamar qoddiem
Andalusian Arabic (low register) k kalb bakar wakt kamar kuddím

See also


  1. ^ Bassiouney, 2009, p. 29.
  2. ^ Abdel-Jawad, 1986, p. 58.
  3. ^ Bassiouney, 2009, p. 19.
  4. ^ Holes, 1983, p. 448.
  5. ^ Holes 1995: 39, p. 118.
  6. ^ Blanc, 1960, p. 62.
  7. ^ Holes, 1995, p. 294.
  8. ^ Versteegh, 2001, p. 245.
  9. ^ Bassiouney, 2009, p. 21.
  10. ^ Bassiouney, 2009, p. 26.
  11. ^ Bassiouney, 2009, p. 11.
  12. ^ Questions from Prospective Students on the varieties of Arabic Language - online Arab Academy
  13. ^ Badawi, 1973.
  14. ^ Bassiouney, 2009, p.105.
  15. ^ Holes, 1984, p.433-457.
  16. ^ Abu-Haidar, 1991.


Further reading